At first glance, you might read “Thanksgiving Turkey Cupcakes” and think these might involve dinner leftovers. But be assured, no turkeys were harmed in the making of these cupcakes! These cupcakes are topped with cookies and creativity and can be the perfect autumn, afternoon activity!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Cupcakes (Don’t buy these at the store. It’s more fun if you make them!)
  • Chocolate Frosting (I made this myself and it turned out pretty good so feel free to give it a try!)
  • Oreos
  • Brown M&Ms
  • Candy Corn
  • Keebler Fudge Stripes Cookies

Start by frosting that cupcake! Use a generous amount of frosting so all the cookies you add do not slide off. Once your cupcake is frosted, set it aside.

The first part of the turkey you will make is the eyes. For this you will need to grab two Oreos and two brown M&Ms. Take one Oreo and gently twist the cookies apart so that ALL the filling is on only one of the cookies. The key word here is gently. If you break an Oreo or split the frosting, grab another one and try again. You can do it!

After you split both your Oreos, keep the sides with the filling and “dispose” of the plain cookie side (yum). Then, take your brown M&M and put a dab or chocolate on the side that has the “M” on it. Stick it on the filling if the Oreo to make 2 giant eyes. When you have both of your finished eyes, you can place them on your cupcake!

Now that you have eyes added to your turkey cupcake, you need to add a nose. You can use orange frosting, but I prefer to use candy corn! In my experience, there are always a few candy corn missing the white tip. So, when you break off the yellow section, they make great noses. Give it try!

Finally, it’s time to create the feathers. For this step, you will need one of the fudge strip cookies and five candy corn. Similarly to the M&M, you dollop a tiny bit of chocolate frosting on one side of each candy corn and place them on the back of the cookie. They will only cover one half of the cookie. The bottom half of the cookie is placed into the frosting and cupcake behind the eyes. Tip: if you find it is difficult to stick the cookie into the cupcake, try breaking it in half before adding the candy corn. That way, you are only placing the half with the candy corn feathers into the frosting. It will not be as heavy and shouldn’t tip over. A bit of trial and error is needed here. Figure out which works best for you!





It’s turkey time! Even if you don’t love eating the traditional turkey on Thanksgiving, you will love this tasty treat. It’s fun to make, super simple and it looks adorable – definitely something to be thankful for!

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